What is stock split? Amit supposes to have 100 shares of SBI. This is the price of Rs 500 per share, i.e. the total investment is Rs 50 thousand. He understood that the SBI has recently decided to stock splits. In this context, he asked his friend, Samir. Samir says SBI has decided to increase their shares in the number of investors giving more shares. So that they can invest more of their shares to turn around now. Amit shares to get together with him and an excess of stock from the company. The 1: 1 stock split is called. But now the price per share was also half. , The share was at Rs 500 per share, the price at which it was before the stock plunged over Rs 250 now. Amit shares to the number of ways at the same 100 to 200 but remained in its investments. I.e. 250x 200 = 50000 Rs. Will the companies split your stock? Even if small investors can afford to invest in the company's shares. As well as low-cost increases due to the credit market and the shares were sold to buy easier. Here's one thing to understand is that this is the company's Total Market Value of their shares on the market. And the stock price of the company after the split, but only by the same number of shares increases. What is understood that the stock split at Amit manner?